You will come across many different species of insects and rodents in your day to day life. Some are harmless, some very dangerous, and some can be very destructive to your home and surrounding property costing thousands of dollars in repairs. On this page we will take a look at some:
Common Ants Consequences of an untreated ant infestation include: - Sick household pets: Many of the ants listed below bite or sting and then release venom that can be harmful for your pets.
- Destruction of property structure: Ants chew through wood and can slowly destroy the structure of your home.
- Contaminated Food: If an ant colony has decided to make your house its new home, they can easily get into your stored food and begin contaminating it.
- Biting and Stinging: As previously mentioned, ants can sting and bite. If they feel provoked, they will bite and sting humans.
Appearance Pharaoh workers are about 1/16', or 2.0mm, in length. They are light yellow to reddish brown in color with a darker abdomen. Workers have a non-functional stinger used to generate pheromones. The petiole (narrow waist between the thorax and abdomen) has two nodes & the thorax has no spines. Their eyesight is poor & they possess on average 32 ommatidia. The antennal segments end in a distinct club with 3 progressively longer segments. this ant can be found almost anywhere in the world. it is a "MAJOR" pest in the US, Australia, & Europe.
Damage Budding is a major factor underlying the invasiveness of Pharaoh Ants. A single seed colony can populate a large office block, almost to the exclusion of all other incest pests, in less than six months. elimination and control are difficult because multiple colonies can consolidate into smaller colonies during extermination programs only to repopulate later. Pharaoh ants are a major hazard in hospitals, where their small size means they can access wounds are medical instruments, causing the spread of infection and electrical interference. pharaoh ants have become a serious pest in almost every type of building.
Appearance Odorous House Ants are not smelly, they are also quite small, measuring approximately 2.4-3.25 mm long. They have dark brown or black bodies with an unevenly shaped thorax. They have a single node on there petiole, hidden by there abdomens. However,the true telltale characteristic of the odorous house ant is unquestionably the foul odor when there bodies are crushed.
Damage Odorous House Ants do not pose a public health risk, but they can contaminate food and should be avoided. If you notice Odorous House Ants in your home or property, contact Halo Pest Elimination immediately for removal.
Appearance Acrobat Ants are a small species of ants, adult s can range in sizes from 1/16th to 1/8th of an inch in length. They have a segmented body and a unique heart shaped abdomen that is usually darker than the rest of their body. Acrobat ants can range in color from light yellowish-brown to black, and some can even be multi-colored.
Damage Acrobat Ants are not a particularly damaging species of ant. They are mainly found nesting outdoors. Finding their way into homes while foraging for food their presence can become a nuisance for home owners. They can cause food within homes to become contaminated and need to be thrown out. If they have decided to nest within your home you may notice piles of frass and other debris that they have excavated from the wood they are invading and on your floors. These ants do not have the ability to sting if they feel that they or there nest is being threatened. However this is not usually a major issue or concern for homeowners.
Appearance Nesting in damp locations, carpenter ants prefer to excavate wood that has been damaged by water. From their nests in the beams, floors or walls, they scavenge the house for food crumbs and insects. Carpenter ants may occur in several colors, although the most important species are black. One of the largest members of the ant family (1/4”-1/2” long), carpenter ants take their name from their habit of chewing passageways (called "galleries") inside wood. They live in these galleries and make excursions, most often at night, to hunt for food and water. These ants often set up satellite colonies inside homes from parent colonies located outside in a tree or landscape timber.
Damage Carpenter ants damage wood through their nest building. If they gain entry to a structure, they pose a property threat. If you notice black carpenter ants, contact Halo Pest Elimination immediately to discuss a proper plan of action.
Appearance Thief Ant range anywhere from 1/32 of an inch to 1/8 of an inch long. They can be yellowish or brownish tones of color. These ants have a two-segmented petole connecting their abdomen to the thorax. They have 10 segments in their antennae, which end in large segmented clubs. Thief Ants have small stingers on their oblong abdomen, & generally have small eyes. Worker ants have large jaws for carrying food back to the colony.
Damage Thief Ants can be troublesome when they get into human dwellings. It is extremely hard to find these ants , due to their inaccessible and remote resting areas and there extremely small size. They are also not always present outside their colony, and travel far to find food. Also, they are so small they can get into things that other insects can't get into. the easiest way to locate a colony is to look for trails of ants. It is also hard to get rid of a thief ants because they are not attracted to common ant traps.
Appearance Red Imported Fire Ants are black and red in color, measuring 1.6 to 5 mm in length. They often nest in soil & other moist environments such as irrigated lawns & the edges of riverbanks & ponds. Red Imported Fire Ants move eggs, larvae or pupae up & down in the galleries of their nest's tunnels. A Red Imported Fire Ant Colony may contain several queens & thousands of worker ants.
Damage The Red Imported Fire Ant has become a major pest in several countries, including North America, Taiwan, Australia, South China, & the Philippines. When a Red Imported Fire Ant bites a human, the sensation is comparable to that of being touched by a lit match. After they bite, the ants hold on to the victim with their mandibles & use their stinger to deliver their venom. Most people experience pain & red bumps, though a few individuals are allergic to the fire ant & may experience a severe reaction. Emergency services should be contacted immediately if a sting victim experiences nausea, headache or difficulty breathing. If you believe you see theses ants, call Halo Pest Elimination immediately.
Appearance Rover worker ants are very small, only about 2.5 mm long. They vary in color from pale yellow to blackish-brown. Unlike most other ants, this genus has antenna that are only 9 segmented, rather than antennae with 12 or more segments. Their thorax is uneven with the front portion having a hump like appearance. Rover ants do not bite or sting.
Damage The ecological and financial effects of the Rover Ant invasion remain largely unstudied.
Appearance The California Velvety Tree Ant is one of the most common in both California & Nevada. The workers are between 1/8" to 1/4" in length. The abdomen is glistening velvety black. The mid-section is reddish & the head is brown. If someone crushes a velvety tree ant worker, it releases an unpleasant odor.
Damage They can invade a home in large numbers in a short period of time. Actual damage requiring repairs rarely occurs. Their bite is quite painful, injecting venom that can cause discomfort for some time.
Appearance Western Harvester Ants are large ants 5-6 mm in length & different species can very in color from reddish-brown to yellow or black. The pedicel between the abdomen & thorax has two segments. They have elaborate fringes of hairs underneath the head. As is the case with other ants, adults may be winged males or females, or workers.
Damage The Western Harvester Ant not only constructs large mounds which causes loss of grass but also clear areas of grass around the nest and along the forage trails radiating from the central nest. Cleared areas around the nest may be 21 feet or more in diameter. Generally, nests are constructed in open areas & are a real problem on golf courses, recreational areas, & occasionally in lawns. It is also thought that they may hinder reseeding of different grasses by collecting seed. In addition, they can sting viciously. At least thee small children have died from their stings in Oklahoma.
Appearance Crazy ants are so named because of their frantic movements & erratic behavior. While this species originated in Southeast Asia, it is known worldwide as an invasive species & enviromental pest. Adult Crazy Ants are dark brown to black in color & measure approximately 2.2-3 mm in length. Crazy Ants' antennae have 12 segments without a club, & their antennae are elongated. Crazy Ants' legs are extremely long and give it a distinct appearance.
Damage Red imported fire ants first came to North America in the 1920's. They were followed by their South American cousin & rival, the Crazy Ant in the 1980's. These ants competed for resources alongside each other while they were still in South America, but now, as invasive species, they're fighting it out in various regions of the southern United States, including Texas, Mississippi, Florida, Louisiana, & yes even the southern parts of California & Nevada. As we're learning, Crazy Ants are a total headache. As they make their way north at a rate of 600 feet a year, they're wreaking havoc on populations of insects, spiders, centipedes, & crustaceans. This is likely to cause deleterious effects on various ecosystems! They can't be stopped with conventional pesticide, they've been known to disable a huge industrial plant, & they frequently short out electrical equipment.
Map of confirmed Crazy Ant infestations
As you can see from the map above, the Crazy Ant infestations are no longer just a problem for the southern United States. With confirmed infestations in both California & Nevada, Halo Pest Elimination is ahead of the curve & preparing to battle this invasive species before it attempts to affect our loyal customers. If you have any questions or concerns please give us at Halo Pest Elimination a call, we'll watch the pest forecast for you.
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